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Core & advanced features which ensure you get the most out of our signing software.
Our platform seamlessly integrates with most industry specific providers.
We have a flexible pricing model to suit anyone’s specific needs.
What you get and what makes us different to our competitors.
Frequently asked questions and solutions that might be relevant to you.
Plans for Small, Medium & Enterprise level businesses.
No setup fees & pay as you need notary features & add-ons.
Digital signing which integrates with most Recruitment ATS & CRM’s
Improve staff & client experience with digital signatures & notary.
Increasing compliance across life science & device businesses.
Solutions for state, federal, local, county & regional government.
Founded in 2010 to be a simple, smart, and secure signing platform.
Your hub for security, compliance, and transparency.
Technology which ensures non-forgeability & non-repudiation.
The latest Secured Signing company news and awards.
New & updated features and how to use them.
Updates about software we integrate with.
Blog articles, helpful tips and guides on digital signing & notary.
We have a flexible pricing model to suit anyone's specific needs.
Secured Signing continues partnership to integrate digital signatures within Bullhorn.
5 reasons government agencies and councils are adopting digital signatures.
New feature: Signing completion certificate.
Home // Posts // Product Enhancements: December 2021 Edition
We have introduced two new features to the Secured Signing platform which will enhance our user’s experience.
With our newest WeSign enhancement we have now added a menu bar to the WeSign tagging window with the same look and feel as FormFiller.
Now you can fully customize your text fields within the WeSign Tagging Process with Font, Font Size, Bold, Italics, Underline, Font Color, and more.
With this new addition to the WeSign process we expect a better experience for senders and signers of Secured Signing documents.
Use our “try a sample” and test it out.
We have now added the ability to review Form Filler documents BEFORE they are filled out and signed by an invitee. Reviewers can now be brought in early on in the signing process, which should improve our user’s ability to have added control and flexibility.
Reviewers are still able to review the document AFTER the signer has filled in the Form Fields, and if the Reviewer approves, the document can be pushed to the invitee for signing.
By Default, this setting is enabled for all new accounts.
For existing users you will need to enable the [Review Before Filling Form] setting.
For Free Accounts, Pay-as-you-Go, or Business Accounts
Go to [My Account] > [My Settings] and Scroll Down to [Review Before Filling Form]. Make sure the slider is switched to “ON”.
For Enterprise Accounts
Log in to the Enterprise Admin Portal and go to [Settings] > [My Accounts] Setting and tick [Review Before Filling Form].
Do you have an idea on what could improve or enhance Secured Signing’s platform for other users?
We’d love to hear it! Contact us and let us know.