Secured Signing latest 2018 release continues to deliver leading eSignature enhancements

Secured Signing continues to advance its digital signature and workflow platform with the latest 2018 release. This release is full of new enhancements and features, providing users the complete platform for online signing.

The start of a new year marks another exciting upgrade to Secured Signing’s digital signing platform with multiple enhancements and features, keeping with the brand known as the one stop solution for all your eSigning needs.


Secured Signing prides itself on implementing enhancements and new features which are inspired on customer feedback and therefore add value to the customer experience, this latest release is no exception. The 2018 latest release includes the following enhancements and much more:


  • Automatic recognition of form fields in PDF editable documents
  • Free verification service to verify signed PDF document with the PKI Digital Signature. Validate that the document has not been altered after it was signed and verify the signatories’ authenticity.
  • Signing key length increased to 4096 bit for most advanced document security for long term
  • Upload several files in different formats and Secured Signing will merge them into one document ready for signing workflow.
  • Add multiple number of signatures fields for the same witness
  • Multipage signing, add signatures fields in multiple pages in one click.


“We are thankful to our customers for their continued input. Like them, we share the view that anything is possible and in this rapidly changing landscape we are flexible and open to trialling new things” says Mike Eyal, Founder and Managing Director.


Mike also points out the continued importance of document security in this upgrade. “Document security is a key priority for us and our area of expertise. Increasing our signing key length makes our PKI user based cryptography technology future ready ”.


For full information on the release click here.


About Secured Signing

Secured Signing provides a one stop digital signature service that delivers a full range of form completion and eSigning capabilities. Using advanced personalised X509 PKI Digital Signature technology it is more secure than a plain electronic signature. Secured Signing enables its users to use any device to capture their graphical signature, fill-in, sign, seal and verify documents anywhere, anytime.


The solution streamlines business processes, cuts back on expenses, expedites delivery cycles, improves staff efficiency and enhances customer service in a green environment.