
Secured Signing Digital Signature APIs

Add Digital Signing capabilities to your software, web application or business processes

Our Standard API

The Secured Signing REST-based, JSON API allows you to add PKI based digital signing capabilities to your software, web applications or business processes. Documents can be seamlessly sent and invisibly passed along with customer details across to the Secured Signing platform. Secured Signing then automates and manages the signing process. At the end of the process, the signed document and data are returned to your software/system.

  • REST – based API
  • API Key / OAuth2 Authentication
  • Pay per document signing process
  • JSON Request/Response Format
  • Client SDK Available
  • Web hook callback

Our Partner API

We also offer an API for our enterprise customers and partners to enable easy administration of companies, users and documents across an organisation.

  • Integrate with your user system/org structure
  • From small store to large enterprise
  • Complete integration with your software


Allows you to build a deep integration into your software with all signing pages and statuses appearing in your own system with no Secured Signing branding or visibility.

  • White-labelled solution
  • One billing
  • Complete integration with your software

Utilise Our API For More Than Just Digital Signatures

Our API offers everything you need for digital signing but also takes things a stepfurther with Workflow functionality that allows you to create step by step processes using Smart Tags.


Automation with Secured Signing Smart Tags

By adding Smart Tags to a document template you can automate much more than a simple signing process including the adding of additional recipients/reviewers, adding of attachments, ID checks, video confirmation, document libraries.

Let our API do the heavy lifting for your document processes

Once built and integrated via the API our system will take care of each step of the process, in order with updates on status of each workflow running sent back as needed.

Our Simple Pay Per Document Signing Model

To keep things simple we offer a low monthly fee then a per document and per user charge. For standard plans look at our pricing page or share with us your documents volume and number of users just click request a quote

Speak To Our Team

To speak to our team about our API plans, get a written quote and get assistance with implementation, fill out the form below and we will get back to your shortly.