Please contact Secured Signing to create Online Forms for your company and it will be available in Bullhorn Secured Signing integration.
Step 1: Open Secured Signing in Marketplace in Bullhorn Menu
Login to Bullhorn with an Admin User
Open Secured Signing in Menu/Marketplace
Step 2: Find Admin Portal in Secured Signing Dashboard
Admin Portal
A button that redirect you to Secured Signing Enterprise Portal where you can manage company settings; only visible for the user that has Secured Signing admin role.
When a user has been assigned the admin role, an notification email will be sent.
Step 3: Go to Form Direct Settings
In Secured Signing Enterprise (Admin) Portal
- Select Settings in the menu
- Select Form Direct in the right panel
In Form Direct Settings
- Select a form to setup
- Select Field Mapping in the tab
- Select Bullhorn from the drop down list
Step 4: Map Fields
There are field list from the Form Direct form, setup the mapping one by one.
- Secured Signing Form Fields: list the fields in the form
- Bullhorn Field Group: the entity in Bullhorn, e.g. a candidate or a client contact
- Bullhorn Field Name: the field of the entity, e.g. first name of the candidate
- Form Field Settings
- Show Value: whether to show the value in the form if the value is existing in Bullhorn
- Editable: whether to allow the invitee to edit the field or read only
- Update Bullhorn Value: whether to update value in Bullhorn after the form signed
Step 5: Save Mapping
Click Save button to save the mapping.
Now start a Form Direct process, the fields should work as the setting in mapping.