What you get and what makes us different to our competitors
Core & advanced features which ensure you get the most out of our signing software.
Our platform seamlessly integrates with most industry specific providers.
We have a flexible pricing model to suit anyone’s specific needs.
What you get and what makes us different to our competitors.
Frequently asked questions and solutions that might be relevant to you.
Plans for Small, Medium & Enterprise level businesses.
No setup fees & pay as you need notary features & add-ons.
Digital signing which integrates with most Recruitment ATS & CRM’s
Improve staff & client experience with digital signatures & notary.
Increasing compliance across life science & device businesses.
Solutions for state, federal, local, county & regional government.
Founded in 2010 to be a simple, smart, and secure signing platform.
Your hub for security, compliance, and transparency.
Technology which ensures non-forgeability & non-repudiation.
The latest Secured Signing company news and awards.
New & updated features and how to use them.
Updates about software we integrate with.
Blog articles, helpful tips and guides on digital signing & notary.
We have a flexible pricing model to suit anyone's specific needs.
Secured Signing continues partnership to integrate digital signatures within Bullhorn.
5 reasons government agencies and councils are adopting digital signatures.
New feature: Signing completion certificate.
Home // Support // JobAdder: Document Status View
Document Status shows all In Progress documents related to Candidate, Job, Application, Placement, Company, and Contact.
If the user role is Collaborator, you will see the details of all in-progress relating to the record type you have selected or a viewing in.
If the user role is Standard, if you didn’t send the document, you will not see other in-progress documents sent by other users.
We recommend to make users Collaborators so you can see each other’s pending documents for better visibility on the record.
You can also manage the signing process using the buttons below.
You can see / action:
– The document sent out.
– Real time audit log.
– The email invitation sent.
– Verify signatures.
– ‘i’ to change the signing process such as, due date, email address, First & Last Name and send a manual reminder.
– Delete the signing process is you’ve told they no longer want to sign.